How to Prepare your HVAC System for Summer!

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How to Prepare your HVAC System for Summer!

Summer’s amazing, isn’t it? Camping, hiking, the kids home from school playing in the backyard, lots and lots of heat… Well, not so much the heat. That is, unless you can breathe easy inside your home thanks to your HVAC system. Before the temperature gets too high, however, you need to prepare. Here are six ways to get ready for the summer heat.

Clean your ductwork.
After circulating air for the entire winter, your ductwork has certainly accumulated dust and other nasty bits that can cause problems when you need to turn on your air conditioner. Once the season changes, you need to clear out your ductwork so you breathe clean air throughout the summer.

Replace your filter
Speaking of clean air, your filter has also been working hard all winter to remove as much as possible. If you haven’t done so yet, replace your filter so it can continue to catch particles that can cause problems for you and your family.

Upgrade your ventilation
You may be spending more time outdoors and might even open a window or two in the summer. But that doesn’t mean you can neglect ventilation. If someone in your family has allergies, opening a window to get fresh air might not be an option. Consider installing an energy recovery ventilator so you can get outdoor air even as you enjoy cooler temperatures from your air conditioner.

Air conditioner tune up
If your air conditioner isn’t working, you can forget all about cooling down at home after a day at the beach. Or cooling down at any time for that matter. Before the temperature gets too high outside, take care of your air conditioner so it’s ready to go and you’re not scrambling in the heat to fix a broken unit.

Furnace blower tune up
Your furnace blower works for both heating and cooling to keep the air moving throughout your house. It works all year round and needs special attention, especially after a near non-stop run to keep you warm this past winter. Attend to your blower to keep it running when you need to breathe in cool air.

Thermostat upgrade
Rather than sacrifice your cooling completely to save energy, consider upgrading your thermostat so you can set the right temperature at the right time. Use a programmable or smart thermostat to turn up the temperature on an empty house and lower it just before you get home. That way, you’re comfortable all the time while spending less.

If you need help preparing for the coming summer, give us a call and we can get your HVAC system ready to keep you healthy and comfortable!

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